Faculty of Human Sciences - Universidade Católica Portuguesa Master in Cultural Studies - The Lisbon Consortium

Formally created in 2010, the Lisbon Consortium has made itself into a landmark of post graduate research, through the critical engagement with a ‘transferable model’ of knowledge production between academia, business and the sites of creation in the city of Lisbon.
We welcome creative minds with a potential to contribute to an energizing intellectual environment and with an entrepreneurial mindset. In 2015, the Masters program was ranked as 3rd best in the world. This success is the result of the team at Católica, the committed support of the partner institutions in Lisbon and the creativity of our students.
At the Lisbon Consortium, we cherish ideas, we nurture grounded critique, we promote exploratory thinking and entrepreneurial innovation. We are passionate about the sizzling environment of Lisbon, a true hub of European creativity, and a fantastic location with great quality of life.
Our motto is thinking ahead.
Join us!