Methodology for the Eduniversal Best Masters Ranking
Eduniversal recognizes and promotes academic strengths within global institutions. The
Eduniversal Best Masters Ranking is an important source of information and is often used by
students and companies to determine the quality of an institution, its programs and its graduates.
By filling out the Eduniversal survey for each of your programs, you ensure that the information on
your program will be evaluated accurately.
We give students the opportunity to give feedback on their experience. Their participation, is an
important part of the ranking and will help to enrich the quality of our evaluation.
Eduniversal classifies and highlights global Masters and MBA programs which develop and graduate the best new professionals in the global labor market. We value the expertise and knowledge of HR Representatives and their opinions are valued in our Ranking. Their opinion also provides a crucial reference to establish salary prospects after graduation.
Eduniversal asks students for their opinion on the program in which they are enrolled. We greatly
value student opinion which allows the ranking to take into account information exclusive to those
who have attended a particular program. By answering our survey, students have the opportunity
to share opinions on their academic experience. This information is important to prospective
All information provided in this survey is strictly confidential.
Types of programs* that qualify to be ranked
- Masters
- Masters of Science
- Masters of Arts
- MBA and specialized MBA
- Executive MBA & MBA part time
*The language of instruction is not limited, and can be a native language of the participating institution.
Each participant of the Best Masters survey influences the results of the Eduniversal Best Masters and MBA Ranking which is annually published on our official website Consequently, while sharing your expertise and knowledge, telling which masters/MBA programs you appreciate the most, you take part in creating a helpful tool, used worldwide by schools, students and other HR specialists.
Opportunities include :
- Promotion of your programs The Eduniversal Masters and MBA Ranking gives institutions more visibility on a global scale
- Outreach to the most talented students Our ranking is used by millions of students from 238 countries.
- Showcase your institutions unique strengths The ranking allows the institutions to highlight what is unique about their particular program.
- Identify new partners for international cooperation Through information provided in the ranking, institutions can identify the expertise for potential collaboration with new partners.
Timetable & steps

Concerned with rigidity and legitimacy, the Eduniversal Evaluation System has defined the following Methodology to rank the Best Masters and MBA programs worldwide
The reputation of the program
50% of this score is based on the opinions of recruiters
50% of this score is based on the level of Palme of Excellence of the school
The salary of the 1st employment
Information provided by each program and verified by Eduniversa
Salaries are weighted by country and by the average annual salary of its executives
Three scales are used according to the type of program (MBA full time, EMBA and all other programs)
Students satisfaction
A survey comprised of 11 questions sent by e‐mail to graduating students to assess satisfaction with the completed program.
A minimum of 10% of the students in each program must reply to be scored.
• 1st and 2nd question : 25 % each of the score.
• The 9 questions left : 50% of the score.
Bonus Points
- Programs with more than 7 different nationalities registered in its programs.
- Programs having more than 7 different nationalities from at least 3 different zones.
- Programs which enable at least 20% of their graduates to do an internship or to work abroad
- Programs admicng at least 5 students with work experience
- Programs which offer Distance Learning.
Ranking by stars
By adding the points from each of the 3 criteria in our methodology, each program is given a final score. Eduniversal ranks these programs according to their final score which is also associated with a star ranking as follows :
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Masters with a final score of 1 to 5.99 |
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Masters with a final score of 6 to 8.99 |
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Masters with a final score of 9 to 11.99 |
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Masters with a final score of 12 to 15 |
The EDUNIVERSAL International Scientific Committee
The International Scientific Committee (ISC), is comprised of 11 members: two executive members within Eduniversal, and nine independent experts in higher education. All members have significant experience in the academic world and within their zone. The Committee is responsible for the Official Selection of the best 1000 business schools, monitors the Deans' Voting process, and oversees the EDUNIVERSAL Business Schools Ranking Methodology
All the nine expert members are experienced and prominent personalities in the academic field of their geographical zone:
AFRICA / Prof. Sherif Kamel

Dr. Sherif KAMEL is founding dean of the School of Business at the American University in Cairo and professor of management information systems. He was director of the Regional IT Institute (1992-01) and managed the training department of the Cabinet of Egypt Information and Decision Support Centre (1987- 92). He holds a PhD in Information Systems from London School of Economics and Political Science, an MBA and a BA in Business Administration from the American University in Cairo. He is a member of the World Bank Knowledge Advisory Commission, a board member of the American Chamber of Commerce in Egypt, the Association of African Business Schools and a number of NGOs supporting entrepreneurial education in Egypt including Injaz (Junior Achievement). He is a founding member of the Internet Society of Egypt. He served as Chairman of the Chevening Association in Egypt (2004-09).
CENTRAL ASIA / Prof. Dr. Aneeta Madhok

Prof. Dr. Aneeta Madhok (PhD, CMC, GPHR) is Managing Director at Open Spaces Consulting and has been the Dean (Center for Human Resources) at S.P. Jain Center of Management, Dubai and Singapore and Dean (School of Business) at NMIMS Deemed University in India.
She has contributed to the consulting profession as Chairperson of the International Council of Management Consulting Institutes (ICMCI) (2009-2011) over 49 countries worldwide, and is a global expert on Professional Development and Knowledge in the areas of Management Education, Human Resources and Management Consulting.
EASTERN EUROPE / Dr. Virginijus Kundrotas

Virginijus Kundrotas is Doctor of Social Sciences (Education), Dean of Adizes Graduate School (USA), Area Manager of Adizes Institute for Lithuania, Poland & Estonia (Lithuania) and certified Adizes Associate in the Basic Conceptual Foundations of the Adizes Methodology for Organizational transformation and change. He is President of the Baltic Management Development Association (BMDA), Vice-president of Central and East European Management Development Association (CEEMAN); Member of Editorial Board of Baltic Journal of Management (UK), member of International Scientific Committee of the EDUNIVERSAL - Official selection of World Business Schools (France), Member of the Board of Trustees of International Academy of Business (Kazakhstan). He also serves as a Board member of Lithuanian Free Market Institute, VilNews on-line magazine, Panevežys College and number of other institutions.
Dr. Virginijus Kundrotas is Founding President of ISM University of Management and Economics, Lithuania (first private HEI in the country) performed in this position from year of establishment in 1999 till 2008. Virginijus Kundrotas is the certified consultant that delivers trainings and consults various organizations around the World on Change Management, Organizational transformation, Leadership, Business ethics and corporate responsibility. He also coaches managers of various business and non-profit organizations. His extensive practical experiences and practice of managing organizations as well as deep theoretical knowledge of various management methodologies and approaches, makes him easy understandable and very well accepted among CEOs and other managers within companies.
Dr. V.Kundrotas is visiting professor at number of Business Schools in France (Euromed Management), Czech Republic (Prague University of Economics), Latvia (Banking Academy), Kazakhstan (International Academy of Business), Russia (IBS, Moscow), etc. Dr. V. Kundrotas is a Founding President of Kauno Tauro Rotary club, member of Vilnius International Club, etc.
EURASIA & MIDDLE EAST / Prof. Nehme Azoury

Nehme Azoury is Professor and Dean at the Faculty of Business at USEK and holds the position of Secretary General of the Arab Society of Faculties of Business, Economics and Political Science, BEPS, (an affiliate of the Association of Arab Universities, itself founded by the League of Arab States). He is also one of the eight members of the scientific committee of Eduniversal (the representative of the Eurasian region).
He lectures in the fields of marketing, strategy and Corporate Governance in several reputed universities namely, The Georges Washington University, which presented him with an appreciation award. As part of his research activities, he has to his credit several publications in internationally renowned scientific journals. To promote research in the Arab world, he is founder and editor of "The Arab Economic & Business Journal". In addition, and beyond his academic and administrative activities, Nehme Azoury is currently Managing-partner at Widein, a consulting firm headquartered in Beirut.
FAR EAST ASIA / Prof. Sung Joo Park

Prof. Sung Joo Park is the former Dean and Vice president of KAIST (Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology). He is currently a professor at KAIST Business School. Holding a PhD from Michigan State University, he was also the founding president of AAPBS (Association of Asia-Pacific Business Schools,), and served as a board member of the AACSB and the GFME (Global Foundation for Management Education). Also, he served as an advisor to Samsung Group.
LATIN AMERICA / Prof. Edson Luiz Riccio

Prof. Edson Luiz Riccio is a well-established Researcher and an Associate Professor at the University of Sao Paulo (Brazil), where he holds many responsibilities, including: president of the international Cooperation Office of the faculty of economics and management (FEA-USP), and director of TECSI, a research laboratory on technology and information system.

Dr. George Jabbour is the Associate Dean for Executive Education, Professor of Finance, and Director of the Masters in Finance Program at The George Washington University School of Business. He has been a consultant and conducting professional training for the World Bank Group in Washington DC (USA), Vienna (Austria) and Islamabad (Pakistan), for The International Training Banking Center in Budapest (Hungary), the Center of Excellence in Management in Kuwait, and for Kipco Asset Management Group (KAMCO) in Kuwait. He was a Visiting Professor at Franklin College in Lugano (Switzerland), Dongseo University (South Korea), Holy Spirit University-Kaslik, and Sorbonne University in Paris (France). He developed curriculum for BBA and Msc degrees in business and finance. He has several publications in professional refereed journals. He co-authored “The Option Trader Handbook” for trade adjustments. His research papers were presented in the US and around the world. He is a member of several leading professional finance organizations He is a member of the editorial advisory board of three journals. Four of his co-authored papers won the best paper award. He has received several Teaching Excellence Awards. In addition to his academic career, Dr. Jabbour is very active in equity and derivatives trading. He was Senior Financial Analyst at Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation and a consultant to several American corporations and international organizations. He has a Ph.D. in Finance, an MBA in Finance, a BBA in Marketing, and BS in Mathematics.
OCEANIA / Prof. Michael Wood

Prof. Michael Wood is currently Professor of Management in the School of Business at Notre Dame and the director of Mike Wood Consulting. He retired as Executive Dean of the Curtin Business School in May 2007, after nearly 8 years in the position. He has had extensive experience in the public and private sectors: he has worked in four Australian universities, held the most senior position in the public sector and conducted profitably his own business. Professor Wood was formerly chair of the Wood Consulting Group and he has held leading positions in the Western Australian Public Sector. He was Public Service Commissioner from June 1990 to August 1993, Secretary for Local Government from 1984 to 1990, and Chairman of the Local Government Grants Commission from 1983 to 1985.
WESTERN EUROPE / Mr. Axel Schumacher

Axel Schumacher is Associate Dean for International Relations at the Business and Law Schools of the EBS Universität für Wirtschaft und Recht (EBS University of Business and Law) in Oestrich-Winkel and Wiesbaden (Germany). Previously he was Director of International Programmes at WHU, Otto Beisheim School of Management (Germany). He has been working in the field of International Relations for more than 25 years. Over this period he has initiated more than 300 university partnerships in 55 countries around the globe, including 50 dual degree agreements at the undergraduate and graduate levels. He has published research papers and contributed to books on the Concept of Private Universities in Germany and on Strategies of Internationalization for Business Schools.
Eduniversal highly expects to hear the voice of the students and attaches great importance to their opinions.
Student opinion is essential to receive credible information about the program caliber. Receiving their adequate feedback will not only result in a more accurate program ranking, but also better recognition of the master and institution of study.
The student participation has a direct impact on the ranking of the programs and their international reputation. The participation of the students counts for 1/3 of the final ranking. It's essential that schools and universities provide a file containg the graduating class of student's names and their contact details, so that we can send them an invitation by e-mail to answer the Students Satisfaction Survey.
A mark is given to the relevant program when at least 10% of the students have answered the survey. The student satisfaction survey, comprised of 11 questions is available on our online platform
In 2015 :
- Students from 2647 programs completed a Students Satisfaction Survey.
- In France, students from 97% of the masters programs in the ranking completed the students survey