ISEG - Lisbon School of Economics and Management, Universidade de Lisboa Mestrado em Contabilidade, Fiscalidade e Finanças Empresariais (CFFE)

Program overview
The Master's in Accounting, Taxation and Corporate Finance (Mestrado em Contabilidade, Fiscalidade e Finanças Empresariais) is essentially designed to deepen the knowledge and skills acquired in the first-cycle training provided by a degree in management, finance, economics and mathematics applied to economics and management.
It is a master's degree of a professional nature, conferring a professional specialization, with a view to ensuring that students who complete this course enhance their employability and future career prospects.
Curriculum (courses, subject modules)
1º Ano – 1º Semestre
- Finanças Empresariais
- Análise de Investimentos
- Auditoria Financeira
- Contabilidade Financeira Avançada
- Fiscalidade I
1º Ano – 2º Semestre
- Contabilidade de Operações Complexas
- Análise de Dados em Finanças
- Fiscalidade II
- Gestão Fiscal
- Sistemas de Controlo de Gestão
2º Ano – 1º Semestre
- Ética
- Optativa
- Optativa
- Workshop de Excel Avançado
- Trabalho Final de Mestrado (Estágio/Projeto/Dissertação)
2º Ano – 2º Semestre
Trabalho Final de Mestrado
- Estágio
- Projeto
- Dissertação
— Análise de Demonstrações Financeiras
— Gestão de Risco
— Corporate Governance
— Enterprise Systems with SAP Labs
— Relato de Sustentabilidade
— Contabilidade de Gestão Avançada
— Monetary and Financial History
Unidades curriculares optativas
No 1.º semestre do 2.º ano, o aluno escolhe duas unidades curriculares optativas de um total de sete oferecidas no domínio das áreas científicas do mestrado. De acordo com as normas regulamentares dos mestrados do ISEG, uma unidade curricular optativa funcionará se tiver um mínimo de 10 alunos.
Admission conditions
Required diploma(s) :
- Bachelor
Tuition & Fees
Between 6850 and 9850 €
Employment opportunities & career impact
Employment opportunities :
The Master's in Accounting, Taxation and Corporate Finance (Mestrado em Contabilidade, Fiscalidade e Finanças Empresariais) is designed for current and future professionals in the areas of Accounting, Taxation and Corporate Finance who wish to perform their duties with a high level of professional and personal success.
The majority of students find employment after the first year of the course. The main employers are in the banking, auditing, accounting, petrochemical and consultancy sectors.
Here are some of the main employers: Deloitte, Siemens, KPMG, BNParibas, among others.
Application Deadlines
Session 1 | |
Application Deadlines | 2nd December to 3rd February |
Admission result | Until February 14th |
Session 2 | |
Application Deadlines | 4th February to 31st March |
Admission result | Until April11th |
Session 3 | |
Application Deadlines | 1st Abril to 15th May |
Admission result | Until May 30th |
Applications for Master's degrees are made exclusively online through the ISEG website, from December 2024 to May 2025.
Candidates for the Master's in CFFE must:
- Have a degree from a national or foreign institution in the areas of Management, Economics, Finance, Accounting, Mathematics Applied to Economics and Management, or other areas relevant to the study cycle. Applicants with other degrees will be considered on a case-by-case basis.
- In accordance with Article 17 d) of Decree-Law no. 74/2006 of March 24, as amended and republished by Decree-Law no. 65/2018 of August 16, other applications deemed appropriate by the selection panel will be evaluated on the basis of curricular analysis.
- Students who have not completed the cycle of studies leading to a bachelor's degree may apply conditionally, provided they meet the conditions for obtaining the degree by the end of September (of the academic year of application).